Live a great moment

Semi-marathon on May 22, 2016













12 December 2017

Florence Carrat is a sport kinesitherapist, a sport educator and a nutritionist. Fascinated by the physical activity for a long time, she made her choice guided by the need to know better about her body, learn to control it and take care for it.

After several years of regular practice of different activities (athleticism and volleyball in competition), began to germinate in his head the idea to accompany people with more or less severe pathologies otherwise than on a stadium or in an office.
So she founded « Solution sport » where she is teaching Pilates and Nordic walking, she created a specialized centre for back medical check and care where she receives her customers for a specific and individual analysis.

At the same time as running her business, Florence is volunteer for the race 100 km of Millau for 15 years and manages care in this mythical event. She also trained voluntarily the seniors girls of a rugby team, and was competition judge in athletics … « I need to take care of others; I feel the urge to act to make them understand that the person better suited to take care of one is oneself… We need to be actor of our well-being! I fulfil myself through coaching of people to whom I demonstrate that they are able to succeed if they so decide. My personal satisfaction is to see people happy to prove themselves that they can make a success … That’s how I took around thirty non-runners to make the Course du Viaduc! »


Live a great moment