Which start wave will you be in?

Semi-marathon on May 22, 2016













Grâce à un départ par vagues successives, chacun peut courir à son rythme, en toute sérénité.

Because the race starts in successive waves, everyone can run at their own pace, at complete ease.

To ensure a fluid race for all, the Course Eiffage du Viaduc de Millau runners depart in successive waves.
Choose the start wave that suits your profile!

Accédez au sas le plus adapté à votre profil.

Départ de la course

The waves

Sur le Viaduc
Access to the elite group is strictly limited.
This wave is reserved for athletes with a race target and proof of a satisfactory reference time (supplied at the time of registration).
The entrance to the start areas is through the side doors.
There is open access to the 4 waves but it is recommended to choose the wave according to the race time expected (fastest in front).
Depending on the time of arrival, runners will be placed in one of the 4 waves.
As for the atmosphere, we can already predict that it will be friendly in all the start areas!

Reference times

  • Elite group: 32 minutes for 10 km or 1 hour 12 minutes for a half-marathon or 2 hours 30 minutes for a marathon for men and 37 minutes for 10 km or 1 hour 23 minutes for a half-marathon or 2 hours 45 minutes for a marathon for women
  • Wave 1: 1 hour 16 minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes for a half-marathon or 1 hour 21 minutes to 2 hours for the Course Eiffage 2016
  • Wave 2: 1 hour 41 minutes to 2 hours for a half-marathon or 2 hours 01 minute to 2 hours 20 minutes for the Course Eiffage 2016
  • Wave 3: no performance required
  • Wave 4: no performance required

Start times

9:00 am – Wave 1 + elite group
9:10 am – Wave 2
9:20 am – Wave 3
9:30 am – Wave 4


The start wave you are in makes no difference to your running time.
It is the actual running time that is taken into account from the moment you cross the start line, where a mat detects your electronic chip.