Portrait of an atypical runner

Départ le 22 mai 2016













23 Février 2022

Runner portrait : Alexandre Poncet, Operations Manager at the Millau Viaduct

How did you hear about our race?  

I heard a lot about the Course Eiffage du Viaduc de Millau en Aveyron when I arrived in the region in 2018. This is a great playground for running, the ideal place to launch a sporting challenge like this!


What is your motivation for taking up this challenge?  

Running across such a work of art is necessarily mythical. In fact, it's the only race in the world that allows you to walk on the motorway for a few hours!

This race will also have a particular relish for me, as Operations Manager of the Millau Viaduct. I consider myself lucky to be able to live such a strong personal experience within my professional life. Running on a viaduct that I see every day, which is the centre of my attention and that of my teams every day... It's a unique experience!  


Especially for a company like Eiffage...

Yes, I believe that all the employees will be very proud of this event, ready to compete on D-day in the Eiffage wave. Surpassing oneself is part of the group's values: the Course Eiffage du Viaduc de Millau en Aveyron is the ideal place for this! "Making the difference" is our motto. Once again, what better occasion than this unique and original event to illustrate this ambition?


How do you imagine the atmosphere around the race?

I really want to make the most of it. The family and party atmosphere in town the day before the race and then throughout the race, the impatience and euphoria at the start line, and above all the joy of being together... it's a dream come true!

For my first time participating, I don't really have a goal time (even if I would love to complete the race in less than 3 hours...) but to share an unforgettable moment with people I love, my athletics club and my friends, who come especially for the race.  And above all, to be supported by my wife and daughter... I'm really looking forward to it!



Portrait of an atypical runner